Monday, November 30, 2015

"Kindness is the essence of greatness"
                                                -Joseph B. Wirthlin
Reflection: What this quote is saying is that being kind is great. Doing nice things matter. Being kind also means you're great.
Example: An example of being kind is that you can help people doing their math homework. You can help your mom with anything like: helping her wash the dishes, or perhaps helping her babysit your little brother or little sister or maybe your baby cousin. You can also help someone else if they're being bullied. Helping others shows that you are indeed a kind person. And again being kind is what makes you a great person. Another way to be kind is by helping an elderly person with their grocery bags or to cross the street. You don't have to be just nice to humans, you can be nice to animals too. Just remember, being kind is what makes you great.

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