Tuesday, October 27, 2015

"Don't sacrifice what you want most for what you want now. Write now what you want most and see it often" 
                                                                -Peter Vidmar 
Reflection: What this quote means is that you shouldn't always pay attention to what your desires are now. You should just focus on the ones of your future. And that you should write down your goals and accomplish them in the future or accomplish them now. Have faith in yourself and you can see your goals and dreams become reality.
Example: Lets say I want to be a awesome student. I'll have to write and write and solve and solve. I should write down that goal in a sheet of paper and see it become reality. I should also not risk anything for something I want now. Let's say i want a video game or whatever. I shouldn't just get the game and my grades drop. I shouldn't easily sacrifice my grades just for a game. And you shouldn't sacrifice anything for what you want now. 

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