Friday, May 27, 2016

Memorial Day
Memorial Day also known as an American Holiday, is observed on the last day of May. This day is the day we honor our great men and women who died while serving in the U.S military. The year it became a holiday was 1971.

Memorial Day is on the last Monday of every May, so it would be May 30.

We can show our honor by respecting and being thankful to those who risk our lives for us. We can go to speeches where they recognize the soldiers. In some places around the world they host parades. Some people even have parties or host barbecues.

What I found interesting about Memorial Day is that it unofficially marks the start of summer.

We might not do anything but maybe we will have a barbecue.
Well I feel that this holiday is a great holiday. I’m glad that the soldiers have some special  holiday. A special holiday that honors them. I’m glad for all that they do for us. They risk their lives for other people. I’d say that joining the army takes guts. And I am very thankful for all that they do.  


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