Summer Plans
I can't wait for summer vacation. I might go to Disneyland again. Disneyland is a very fun place for me, I feel very happy and excited to be there. I am amazed by the beautiful old buildings. I am amazed by the stunning colors. Well, I really do hope we go. We need a new car in order to go. I really hope we get the car, the cars that we have right now don't work. They can turn off at any moment, so I feel very unsafe in the car. My other plan for summer vacation is to maybe go to Universal Studios. I've gone so many times, I just haven't been to the new Harry Potter area. If we do get our new car, I do hope we go to the beach. I haven't been to the beach in such a long time. But Disneyland is what excites me the most. I just have so much fun goofing off with my brother Aaron. Last year when I went, We took my cousins along. So I went with them and we went on rides that I have never been on. My other summer plans are to not gain weight. I want to stay the weight that I am now. I have also wanted to continue playing the guitar. I never play it and it's just lying around in the empty room. I wanted to play piano but I couldn't find any classes. I was gonna ask my friend to teach me, since she plays it but I decided not to. I also wanted to get bangs, though I'll have to straighten them when I go out. I have also wanted to improve my writing skills. Although my friends say I write very nice and "deep" poems, I always disagree with them. I feel that my poems can sound a bit too cheesy at times. When we presented in the IDP, the lady that came in liked my poem, so did my English teacher. So that had given me bits of hope. I don't think I have any other summer plans. I was going to have a 15 but I decided to cancel it. I also might go and volunteer because my mom doesn't want me to be all lazy at home. I might go volunteer at Miles or At Salt Lake Park. Who knows? I haven't decided on which one yet.

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