Wednesday, January 27, 2016

"It's not about how to achieve your dreams. It's about how you lead your life. If you lead your life the RIGHT WAY, the karma (destiny, fortune, good luck) will take care of itself. The dreams will come to you."
-Dr. Randy Pausch
Reflection: I agree with this quote because it's true what he's saying. If we do good things we usually get good things in return. 
Example: If we get good grades our parents would be very happy. They might end up buying us something. Getting good grades also gives off good fortune for the future and better jobs. Even if we do succeed in doing something bad and we don't get caught at first, karma will come soon and we will get caught. A great example of this might be, how students tend to use their phones in class. Yeah maybe the first few times you won't get caught but if you keep getting reckless then sooner or later you will get caught. I think this quotes proves that if we do good things we will get good things in return.

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