Thursday, January 21, 2016

LAUSD Student Services
 LAUSD provides many educational things. One example can be how they have a plan on how to graduate high school. The website had stated how you need to have A-G requirements in order to pass. Another thing that the website has is how collage can be and it gives you many information like..... how to transfer from a community collage to a UC or CSU. LAUSD also has a digital library where you can find all tons of books. I think this is a good idea since if we can't go to a real library then we can just search up books here. This website also has a section about bullying. I think this is really thoughtful of them because many children might not know what to do when it comes to bullying so I think this is nice. It also has a LGBT link where it shows other links that can come in handy. It talks about how to handle these things. One example of the links is... " LGBT Student Safety: Steps Schools Can Take." It also has another link which talks about health and human services. It has few things where you can contact the administrator and an address. 
I think that this LAUSD information may help others. After all it gives many options 
about things. It's really nice how they talk about so many educational things. It shows things like
how we can graduate and how we can pass classes. I never knew how many links they had. It's pretty  impressive. Maybe I might start using to help me! (Just kidding I'll probably never use them in my entire life, sorry not sorry.)
lol idk.

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