Tuesday, January 12, 2016

"When you tell one lie, it leads to another"
-Paul Hatch
Reflection: What this quote is saying is that when you say a lie it leads to the habit of saying another and another. I do agree somewhat with this quote. But let's remember that we are all different human beings and we are all capable of doing things that another being may have trouble with. There may be humans that can lie and be able to control themselves and gain the ability to not say another.
Example: Little kids may be the ones that tend to lie more often than human adults. When they do something bad like break a glass or not do their home work they will tend to lie and make an excuse or plan it on somebody else. They might whine and complain their "doings" on another classmates. It's true that lying may turn to a habit and a really bad one. Most places wouldn't like a liar working for them. Of course, sometimes you can't help but lie. But remember a lie is always a lie.

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