Thursday, February 25, 2016

"If you do what's right, if you live the right way, you'll be taken care of."
-Rachel Castillo
Reflection: What this quote is saying is that if you live the right way, nothing will ever happen to you. If you do right things, you don't have worry about nothing. If you end up doing bad things such as stealing you'll for sure end up in jail. And in jail, you'll end up being treated poorly. Butu if you keep doing good things you'll have nothing to worry about,
Example: Doing good can give you good luck. Such as you'll be treated nice and with respect. People will like what you do, and may give you things in return. These things may not be objects but they still are nice. You may be treated like a hero. Or maybe someone may give you flowers for the good deeds you have done. Whatever it is, if you keep doing good things then you will be treated with respect, which is something wonderful.

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